About Me

Some Experiences
Recently: Music x AI
Passionate about music and firmly believe in the unlimited potential of Music x AI. Currently exploring the possibilities between music and AI, and eagerly awaiting results...
PresentTop IT Company in China
Senior mobile developer(P7). A stable income is the foundation of dreams.
2020 - PresentGap Year Traveling China
Working while traveling across the country. Broadened horizons and gained knowledge. Two years of passion and freedom. Youth well spent.
2018 - 2020Entering Society
Wrote open-source animation libraries on Github, shared technical articles, and published an animation e-book. Met many industry experts online, gradually understood the industry, and became known to more people.
2016 - 2018Student Life
During university, self-learned iOS, Linux, Python, NodeJs, and other front-end and back-end tech stacks. Participated in many Hackathons. Gradually determined personal interests. Also fell in love with guitar and skateboarding. The wheels of fate began to turn.
2012 - 2016Before University
Grew up in Zhuji, a third-tier city in Zhejiang, the ancient Yue capital. Uncertain about career direction until accidentally acquiring an iPhone in senior year of high school. The delicate animations, skeuomorphic UI, and creative interactions sparked instant love, leading to a passion for programming. The wheels of fate began to turn.
1994 - 2012嗨,我是杨骑滔 - 一位充满激情的全栈开发者。欢迎来到我的数字世界角落!